Every year, I use log books for my Home Reading program. Once I've determined the reading levels of my students (in my school, we primarily use Chenelière's GB+ series), then I send them home with French books to read.
Many of my students take part in extra curricular activities and are busy in the evenings. Students have the option of switching out their book daily, or grabbing a few at a time. I have MANY students who are notorious for forgetting to change their books/fill in their logs. Being a grade 3 teacher, I struggle between nagging supporting them with reminders and letting them learn to be responsible. I typically push for the latter... At the very least, I recommend that my forgetful friends grab a handful of books to keep in their bag for the week. This does present a challenge if you're low on books at that level or you have many students reading the same level.
Now, in the past, I've been negligent in checking log books which presents a problem in holding the kids accountable. I usually fold a piece of cardstock in half (the prettier the better, of course) and staple in some pages with a space to write the date, the name of the book, and have a parent initial. Last year, I had the kids submit their logs on Friday, and I'd go through them on my prep and check off that I've seen the books they've read, and put a smiley at the end. I didn't keep track of how many books the students read, but it did allow me to see which students rarely read, or couldn't remember to bring their logs in (hello, responsibility report card mark!).
Enter: this FREE Home Reading Log Book. It closely mirrors what I've done in the past...but, saves you a bunch on cardstock and has an added feature: a dandy certificate at the end (for 50 or 100 books) and for the younger ones, a spot to colour every 10 books read. I'm not sure about you, but my students seem to thrive when they see their goals being achieved (and documented).
Now, to rewards or not to rewards? Well, considering I spent a bunch of $$$ on toys and knick-nacks from the Target Dollar Spot this Spring...I've decided to reward. Stay tuned on whether or not these bribes incentives work in getting my students to read more at home AND submit their logbooks to me.